Sunday, March 7, 2010

John Smith's Ethical Dilemma

John Smith should not sell the names and phone numbers. According to the AMA Statement of Ethics, one of the three ethical norms states, “Embrace ethical values. This means building relationships and enhancing consumer confidence in the integrity of marketing by affirming these core values: honesty, responsibility, fairness, respect, transparency and citizenship.” This emphasizes the value of the customer relationship and the importance of having a good relationship. Your customers should be able to trust you with their information. As part of the fairness section, it is expressed, “seek to protect the private information of customers, employees, and partners.” This clearly states that any information about customers and employees should be safe with you and your company. Your customers shouldn’t have to worry about their personal information getting into the wrong hands or be shared with others without their knowledge.

On the other hand, in order for John to maintain his business, he needs the money so he does not have to lay off his employees. Maybe there’s a way for both the car dealer and John Smith to win. If John asks his customers if they would agree to having some information shared with certain other businesses then John can pass on the names of those that agree. If you were John Smith’s customer, would you be okay with him selling your name and number?