Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Direct Mail vs. E-marketing

When comparing direct mail to electronic means of marketing, there are no guarantees that the messages will be delivered either way. For different reasons, direct mail can get lost when being handled by many hands. There are many different things that can go wrong with electronic means of marketing; not receiving an email, or not being able to access the website.

Personally, I don’t like seeing ads online. I find them to be more annoying and intrusive, especially the ones that pop up or take over the whole page if you roll over them with the mouse. As it mentions in the article, it is easier for people to delete an email than it is to throw away a piece of mail without looking.

The use of barcodes in the “From Print to Phone to Web. And a Sale?” article seems like a great idea. The use of smartphones to take a picture of a product in a magazine or catalogue makes researching various items much easier. It allows you to look up the specs, descriptions, and discussions about the products.

Businesses that would benefit from direct mail efforts are those that rely on personal relationships. Email, though it might be more efficient, direct mail and phone calls are definitely more personal. I do think that today’s generation is less and less personal. I feel that we rely a great deal on the internet and cell phones. Timing is important too; the faster the better. Do you think all businesses could benefit from this?